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Patrick. Taylor. Morgan. Photo by Keely Wake.

We have always been avid candle AND BATH lovers. In late 2019, we realized we had collected well over fifty candle vessels and couldn’t bring ourselves to throw them away. We started researching how to make candles and ordered a kit from Amazon to test our hand at things. It went terrible. Batch after batch of candles we made burned fine, but the fragrance was never enough for us. Fast forward to late 2020, when on a trip to Colorado Springs, CO we found several candles that we loved and ended up paying well over forty dollars each for candles around six ounces or so – IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT, BUT NOT SUSTAINABLE FOR OUR FAMILY. This is when things got serious. We decided we would spend all of our free time researching and figuring out why our candles didn’t smell like the pros and how to reduce costs all while making sure our candles and bath products were clean and safe. Through many more trials, we finally mastered our craft. That wasn’t enough for us. We continued well through the next two years making sure we had things perfect just for you! One of Taylor’s love languages is gift-giving and after being encouraged by her boss to turn her ability to focus on fine details and gift-giving into a career, she decided that it may be time to take this candle making craft to the next level and Rose Harmony Candles & Bath was born. Working full-time in mental health, Taylor knows and appreciates the power and necessity of self-care. We strive to be a “one-stop” shop for all of your self-care needs. Starting with luxurious candles and spilling over to gentle and clean bath products, all fit to make your self-care ritual sustainable and enjoyable. Our daughter, Morgan, loves to help out with wonderful ideas (see: Car-sized Carpet Deodorizer) and enjoys naming the fragrances as well (see: VINYL RECORD STORE and Tropical Rainbow Sunshine). We attended our first market in May 2022 and haven’t stopped going since! You can find us throughout the year at a variety of different markets throughout the Northwest Arkansas region. We look forward to meeting you and helping make your self-care dreams come true.

With love and care,

Patrick, Taylor & Morgan